In case you ever need to look like a professional blogger...

In case you ever need to look like a professional blogger...


You know those times in life when you start a brand new, amateur blog that you’re sure no one will ever read and within a few hours a legitimate, established site with 20,000+ followers asks you to guest post a week-long series with professional, non-identifying photos?  Yeah, well, apparently things like this can happen. So what does one do in this situation?  One contacts the sweetest friend/phenomenal-photographer-and-artist one has in one’s cell phone at 11pm with a desperate message. “I need beautiful photos.  Tomorrow morning.  You will get 0 dollars and 0 fame. Interested?”  I drive a hard bargain.  She agreed.

Everyone needs a friend/artist like this in their lives, but alas there’s only one Hannah Marie. The good news is you don’t have to be friends with Hannah for her to make you and your average family look like a trendy, professional blogger with beautiful, well-behaved-looking children (the number of times I threatened, “Do you want a donut, or not?!” to get them to NOT look at the camera was a disgrace).  If you live in New Jersey (or anywhere within a couple hour radius), contact her ASAP to turn your family into art.

In five days, Hannah’s photos were seen (and liked and shared and commented on) millions of times.  So while I was spot on with the 0 dollars, I was a tiny bit off with the 0 fame.

In Public Alone (WITH KIDS)

In Public Alone (WITH KIDS)

She Doesn't Know What Mommy Means

She Doesn't Know What Mommy Means