I Celebrate all of My (Adopted) Kids' Forever Family

I Celebrate all of My (Adopted) Kids' Forever Family

Adoption offers kids a forever family.
But we must never forget that our (adopted) kids also, already have a forever family—their biological family.

Some parents are unable to full time parent their children—meet all their needs, keep them safe. But it doesn’t mean they cannot love their children. And it doesn’t mean they should be erased from their stories, kept out of their lives.

As much as compassion for my kids’ biological parents plays a part in wanting to build connections between them, it is not what drives it. Rather, it is my love for my children, my commitment to their best interest, my heart to help them heal and grow.

And so I celebrate all of my (adopted) kids’ forever family. The members who live in my home and the ones who don’t. The ones who are connected through love and adoption, and the ones who are connected through love and biology.

God is Using Foster Care for the Good of My Children

God is Using Foster Care for the Good of My Children

Strong as a (Foster) Mother

Strong as a (Foster) Mother