With God, All Things Are Possible

With God, All Things Are Possible

We all know the story. The disciples are on a boat in the middle of the night when they see Jesus walking towards them—literally, actually, real life walking on water. Peter, eager as ever, wants Jesus to know that if He calls him to join him on the water, he’ll follow.

Jesus calls and—eyes fixed directly on Him—Peter steps onto the water, ready to walk. But then the reality of it all overwhelms him, he takes his eyes off the Savior, and he sinks.

“Drowning” is a word I’ve been using a lot recently. I’m drowning—drowning in children, drowning in tasks, drowning in my emotions and everyone else’s, drowning in needs and struggles, drowning in the heaviness of it all.

This life—the kids & the parents & the system & the heartbreak—is more than just hard. It’s “step out of a boat and onto a lake” kind of hard. It’s “walk on water” kind of hard. It’s “completely impossible without Jesus” kind of hard.

I know it was Jesus who called me out of the boat, Jesus who called me to step out in faith and walk and follow Him. But sometimes all I can see are the waves. My eyes wander from the One who called, from the One who enables and sustains, and to all that threatens to pull me under. I take my eyes off of Him, and I’m surprised when I find myself drowning.

But Jesus is close. The one who calls is ready to rescue.

So when I find myself submerged—in discouragement, anxiety, confusion, weariness, fear—I cry out to the Savior, “Lord, save me!” And, like Peter, find myself caught by my Jesus.

Eyes fixed on Him, I can do this impossible thing He’s called me to, “for with God all things are possible.”

Just a Subpar Mom Running on Grace

Just a Subpar Mom Running on Grace

Foster Care Affects Every Member of Our Family

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