Just a Subpar Mom Running on Grace

Just a Subpar Mom Running on Grace

This deserves a spot on my feed because:

A) Bella in glasses is peak Bella. She is so stinking cute & it’s just so on brand for her, I can’t even stand in.

B) I’m trying to keep it real. I had *no idea* that she had a vision problem until she failed her screening at the pediatrician recently. I was absolutely shocked. The doctor: “She can’t see.” Bella: “I told you!” Me: “You did?!”
Mom fail. 🫣🫠

When you share your life in this space, people are tricked into thinking you’re some kind of super mom. I try to tell you I’m not, but I know that Instagram is a liar, even if I try not to be. Not realizing my kid needed glasses is a miss, but it’s understandable. (right? please tell me it is.)

But there are many other deep, dark failures and faults—the kinds you don’t joke about on social media. So let me just remind you:

+ I struggle in all the ways you do—and then some. There is no temptation that is not common to man. You are not alone in your weakness & wickedness.

+ The blood of Jesus covers every failure, every sin, every shortcoming. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. If you are in Him, you are fully forgiven and accepted.

+ Anything good you see in me—or anyone else—is only, ever grace. Yeah, I’m messy, but I’m not as messy as I could be, as messy as I was. I am being transformed from one degree of glory to another. He is the Author, and He is perfecting.

I’m just a subpar mom running on grace.

…And how cute is Bella?! 😍

Real Talk

Real Talk

With God, All Things Are Possible

With God, All Things Are Possible