Foster Parenting Will Wreck You

Foster Parenting Will Wreck You

Foster parenting will wreck you. In the very best of ways.

It will wreck the lie that life is about you & your comfort.
It will wreck your contentment with life *remaining* about you & your comfort.

It will wreck your blindness to other people’s brokenness, to their need, to their humanity. It will wreck your ability to hold onto the belief that the same brokenness and need is not wrapped up in your humanity, too.

It will wreck your self-sufficiency and self-reliance, your belief that—in and of yourself—you can do anything, change anything, make any difference in anything.

And when you come to the end of yourself—when you find yourself wrecked—you are then perfectly primed to receive grace, to receive forgiveness, to receive strength. To receive Him.

God, wreck me for the things of this world.
Wreck my ignorance and arrogance.
Wreck my idolatry of myself & my reliance on my own strength.
Wreck in me whatever it takes for me to see & know & love you more.

We Eat Dinner as a Family

We Eat Dinner as a Family

The Sweetest Forgiveness Found in Jesus

The Sweetest Forgiveness Found in Jesus