My Why, My How, & My Who

My Why, My How, & My Who

We welcome children into our homes and with them, so much love and so much joy. We get to watch up close—get to be a part of!—healing and growth and restoration.

But we also open ourselves to the uninvited—to fear and uncertainty, to righteous anger and unspeakable heartache. Through the same door as the kids enter injustice, brokenness, sacrifice.

So we need a different metric than “the good outweighs the bad.” This must all be about something more.

Yes, foster care is about kids and it’s about families, but it’s about something—Someone—so much more.

The call of the gospel transforms and sets us on mission.
The hope of heaven offers us a promise that makes it all worth it.
The Person of Jesus carries and sustains us through it all.

Foster parenting will bring losses and gains, but those aren’t what motivate me, they aren’t how I define success, and they aren’t what keeping me going.

That comes from my Jesus. He is my why and my how and my Who.

Name Their Feelings

Name Their Feelings

There is a Love That is Perfect

There is a Love That is Perfect