There is a Love That is Perfect

There is a Love That is Perfect

I deeply love my children. My whole life revolves around their little lives, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for them. There is no force on earth like a mother’s love.

And as much as that is completely true, it’s also…not true.

Because I fail as their mom every single day. I get impatient and angry, I’m self righteous and arrogant. I don’t show up for them the way they need me, and I fall short in so many ways.

My love—deep and true as it is—is weak and limited and devastatingly flawed.

But. There is a love that is perfect. And it changes everything. It is the love of God, “made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world." (1 John 4:9)

Jesus—God Himself—made Love manifest, gave Love a human form, embodied it perfectly. Love itself walked around with skin on in the person of Jesus Christ. And then Jesus, in this Love, went to the Cross to die.

He died for my failures. For my impatience and anger, my self-righteousness and arrogance. For the ways I don’t show up and fall short. For my sin.

You, too, may struggle to love your kids. You may feel unloved yourself. Hear what your God says: THIS IS LOVE. That God loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (1 John 4:10)

There is Someone who loved you to death. Accept His love and the forgiveness and freedom that comes from His death.

My Why, My How, & My Who

My Why, My How, & My Who

Every Foster & Adoptive Parent is at Risk for Secondary Trauma

Every Foster & Adoptive Parent is at Risk for Secondary Trauma