The Five Things I Fight to Remember During a Trauma Meltdown

The Five Things I Fight to Remember During a Trauma Meltdown

  1. The five things I fight to remember during a trauma meltdown:

    1. They’re not giving you a hard time, they're having a hard time. This is a rescue mission, not a punishment.
    2. Don’t focus on changing the behavior. Focus on keeping yourself regulated, so you’re available to co-regulate once they're ready.
    3. You need miraculous, supernatural strength for this kind of parenting. Pray for yourself and for your child. Depend on Him to carry you through the impossible.
    4. Breathe slowly & calmly. Deep breathing activates the Vagus nerve which tells your body to relax and release endorphins, relax your muscles, and increase blood flow.
    5. Use your “Mary Poppins” voice. Put on a calm affect, face, & tone. Act in love, even when you're not feeling it.

    What do you fight to remember & believe during your child’s challenging behaviors?

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